Protecting the Almiquí in Baracoa

almiqui-cubanoThe campaign for the protection of almiquí in Baracoa includes the recording of a musical hit with the group Cubanos en la red, which has associated its image for several years to environmental defense actions.

According to Noelvis Hernández, Master in Ecology and specialist in Baracoa area of the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, the song will be included on a CD with titles related to the preservation of the environment.

Hernández said this month there will be created a video clip inspired in the Almiquí or Solenodun cubanus, and there will be a song and a video on the threatened polymita.

The specialist said that the protagonists of such work will always be members of Cubanos en la red, whose staff must reach the First City on January 18.

For the preservation of two of the most authentic living species of the fauna in the Greater Antilles, there will be soon an expedition in Yumurí, where there is evidence of the existence of the terrestrial mammal considered a living fossil.

In the months of March and September last year, some almiquí species were found in Baracoa, after some searches in Monte Iberia, located on the main protected area of the Cuban archipelago in terms of biodiversity, richness and endemism.

Written by Richard López Castellanos

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