Archivo de la categoría: Flora and fauna

Cuba adopts Nagoya Protocol

Cuba has now become one of the 66 countries to adhere to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of BenefitsArising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity after recently ratifying … Seguir leyendo

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It is still critical the situation of the polymita picta in Baracoa

The conservation of the polymita picta in Baracoa is under threat and consequently, the benefit of what is done to protect this land mollusk is associated with uncertainty.

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Something typical

For those who do not know what a tibaracón is, or have not seen it before, we offer an impressive image. The sandbar in sight separates the waters of Duaba River from those of the beach with the same name, … Seguir leyendo

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Sustainable management in Humboldt Park shows advantages

The Project Fortalecimiento para el manejo sostenible en zonas aledañas al Parque Nacional Alejandro de Humboldt displays achievements at the end of almost two years and in its final stage.

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A poet of nature

German Alexander von Humboldt gains space in the Cuban scientific community, his image is associated somehow to the figure of someone who becomes known more and more as one of the founders of modern geography.

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Privileged landscape in Baracoa

From El Yunque in Baracoa it can be seen one of the privileged landscapes of the Caribbean island, the mouth of Toa River on the north coast of the first of our villas and cities, after crossing 116 kilometers through … Seguir leyendo

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Traveling through La Farola

With half a century of existence since last July 26, La Farola Viaduct, one of the 7 wonders of Cuban civil, still remains the attractive, suggestive and safe road that links the city of Baracoa with Guantánamo. Its construction began … Seguir leyendo

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The most diverse natural park of Cuba

In the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountain massif, which belongs to the eastern provinces of Holguín and Guantánamo, it is situated the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park. It is considered the most important site for the conservation of endemic flora throughout the Western … Seguir leyendo

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Protecting the Almiquí in Baracoa

The campaign for the protection of almiquí in Baracoa includes the recording of a musical hit with the group Cubanos en la red, which has associated its image for several years to environmental defense actions.

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18 new species of marine mollusks discovered in Baracoa and Maisí

Flora and fauna in Baracoa is very rich, these new species are now part of the Cuban fauna that calls the attention to every one who visits the First City of Cuba Seguir leyendo

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